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Hassle-Free Aircraft Management Services

Planemasters Jet Charter aircraft management services help people enjoy the benefits of aircraft ownership without any of the hassles. Whether you’re looking to bring in more charter business or have a company that can provide turnkey management of your aircraft, we have the right program for you.

A luxury private jet overflying cloudy skies at sunset

Aircraft Leaseback

We can put your aircraft on our certificate and we’ll handle the paperwork and operational responsibilities. This gives you the advantage of having plentiful charter opportunities so that your aircraft continues to work for you even when you’re not flying. You’ll enjoy tax advantages and the ability to offset your expenses.

It’s like keeping your plane’s profitability on autopilot.

Aircraft engineer in the hangar repairing and maintaining airplane jet engine

Turnkey Aircraft Management

We’ll handle everything related to the day-to-day management of your aircraft, saving you time and money.

  • Security and safety measures that protect passengers and your assets.
  • Maintenance service provided by experienced professionals.
  • Accounting services that deliver customized statements and reports.
  • Cost savings from fuel, insurance, maintenance, and training all passed onto you.

Wherever You Want to Go, We’ll Take You There