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Side view of Turboprop 2 plane

Single Engine Turbo-Prop

An excellent option for regional trips. Most cost-effective solution for your private flights under 3 hours. Turn a six-hour car ride into a relaxing one-hour flight. Large cabin comfort at a fraction of the price. The Turbo-Prop also requires a shorter runway length which allows for access to more airports.

At a Glance

Up to 4 Hours of Non-stop Flight Time
5-6 Pax Capacity
Sizable Baggage Compartment

Side view of very light jet Turbo-prop illustration

Multi-Engine Turbo-Prop

Another excellent option for regional trips and beyond. With double club seating, worktables, and a capacious cabin—this aircraft is ideal for business travel. The Turbo-Prop also requires a shorter runway length which allows for access to more airports. If a golf outing, fishing, or hunting expedition is on the calendar, this aircraft would be a match.

At a Glance

Up to 4 Hours of Non-stop Flight Time
8-9 Pax Capacity
72 ft³ Baggage

Side view of light jet illustration

Light Jet

This private jet is another solid choice for regional trips, but with some added bonuses. A light jet offers higher cruising speeds and faster climb rates, while still allowing for access into most airports. There are enhanced creature comforts like reclining seats and air conditioning to make your flight more enjoyable. Light jets are perfect for those hops to Florida, and getaways to Hilton Head.

At a Glance

Up to 4 Hours of Non-stop Flight Time
8 Pax Capacity
65 ft³ Baggage

Side view of midsize jet illustration

Midsize Jet

Choosing to upgrade to a midsize jet means more cabin space and longer range travel time. Averaging around five hours of non-stop flying time, increased headroom, and larger passenger capacity make this aircraft a front runner for longer excursions. You’ll often see this size jet being utilized for trips from the Midwest to California.

At a Glance

Up to 5 Hours of Non-stop Flight Time
9 Pax Capacity
54 ft³ Baggage

Side view of super midsize jet illustration

Super Midsize Jet

When your passenger count starts to climb, typically so does your need for cabin space and baggage capacity. With the power to reach higher altitudes, a super midsize jet can cruise at faster speeds. This size aircraft also boasts a stand-up cabin and sound dampening capabilities all to make your time in the air as pleasant as possible. Transcontinental travel is what super midsize jets were made for. So if you’re going from Boston to San Francisco, this jet will get you there.

At a Glance

Up to 7.5 Hours of Non-stop Flight Time
9 Pax Capacity
103 ft³ Baggage

Side view of heavy jet illustration

Heavy Jet

The ultimate selection in private jet travel. A heavy jet can accommodate up to 14 passengers and features the largest cabin volume, which means all the comforts of home available in the air. Transatlantic travel is within your reach on this size aircraft, and with all the luxuries to get to your destination feeling reinvigorated.

At a Glance

Up to 13 Hours of Non-stop Flight Time
14 Pax Capacity
195 ft³ Baggage

*Please note that these are all approximations and actual ranges/passenger counts/baggage capacity will differ depending on the specific aircraft chosen.

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